Where Can You Get Change for a $100 Bill? | Best Places to Break The Bill

Having a $100 bill in your possession can be convenient for larger purchases, but it can also pose a challenge when it comes to obtaining smaller denominations for everyday transactions. If you find yourself in need of change for a $100 bill, you have several options available to you. Banks and credit unions, retail stores and supermarkets, gas stations and convenience stores, casinos and gambling establishments, as well as local community events and festivals are some of the most common places where you can exchange your $100 bill for smaller currency. In this article, we will explore these options in more detail.

Banks and Credit Unions

One of the most reliable and convenient options for obtaining change for a $100 bill is to visit your local bank or credit union. These financial institutions are equipped to handle large denominations and can exchange your $100 bill for smaller bills or coins. Simply visit the teller and explain your request, and they will assist you in breaking your $100 bill into more manageable denominations.

Retail Stores and Supermarkets

Many retail stores and supermarkets are equipped with cash registers that have sufficient change to break larger bills. It's a common practice for businesses to keep a reasonable amount of smaller denominations in their registers to accommodate customer transactions. Therefore, you can approach the customer service desk or a cashier and politely request to exchange your $100 bill for smaller bills or coins. However, it's worth noting that some stores may have policies restricting their ability to provide change for large bills, so it's advisable to call ahead or check their policies beforehand.

Gas Stations and Convenience Stores

Gas stations and convenience stores often deal with cash transactions and are more likely to have the necessary change on hand. Similar to retail stores, these establishments typically keep a float of smaller bills and coins to accommodate customers' needs. Approach the cashier or attendant and ask if they can provide change for your $100 bill. It's important to be aware that some gas stations or convenience stores may have restrictions on providing change for larger denominations, so it's best to inquire beforehand.

Casinos and Gambling Establishments

If you happen to be near a casino or gambling establishment, they are known for handling large amounts of cash and can often provide change for larger bills. Approach the cashier's cage or designated exchange area and explain your request. Casinos generally have a wide range of denominations available and should be able to provide you with the change you need. However, keep in mind that this option may not be accessible to everyone, as it relies on proximity to a casino or gambling establishment.

Local Community Events and Festivals

During local community events or festivals, there may be booths or stands that offer currency exchange services. These services are often available to accommodate attendees who may need change for their larger bills. Look for information booths, ticket booths, or any designated areas where transactions take place, and inquire about their ability to provide change for your $100 bill.


When you find yourself in need of change for a $100 bill, there are several options available to obtain smaller denominations. Banks and credit unions, retail stores and supermarkets, gas stations and convenience stores, as well as casinos and gambling establishments, are common places where you can exchange your $100 bill for smaller currency. Additionally, local community events and festivals may also offer currency exchange services. Remember to check ahead for any policies or restrictions that may be in place to ensure a smooth and successful transaction.


Header image source: NBC NEWS


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