Dates: What is it, Properties, Benefits and Contraindications

Dates are a fruit considered exotic, obtained from the Phoenix palm tree species. It is widely used in confectionery as a substitute for refined sugar, but in addition to being sweet and delicious, it is nutritious for the body. The benefits of dates have been recognized by dietitians and nutritionists.

In this article, we will talk about the properties and health benefits of this delicious fruit.

The Health Benefits of Dates

Dates are a fruit considered a superfood. In fact, its composition is so nutritious that it fights hunger by providing more than 200 calories and just over 50 carbohydrates, which provides energy.

Why consume dates?

Consuming small portions of this fruit can supply you with 5 grams of fiber, protein, in addition to nutrients and minerals such as magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc, and vitamin K, B.

On the other hand, its antioxidant properties stand out, which fight conditions such as oxidative stress. Likewise, some medical studies have coined anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.

The fruit of the date palm is well known in Africa as well as the Middle East, and is used for healing purposes. Without a doubt, there are plenty of reasons to include dates in your diet.

The Health Benefits of Dates

It is healthy for brain health

The composition of this fruit serves to prevent neurological diseases in such a way that it affects the brain in a positive way.

The benefits on the nervous system are largely due to the contribution of potassium but its low sodium content, this causes a balance on the nervous system.

According to a study conducted, dates contain polyphenolics, which could slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease, prevent the risk of stroke and dementia.

They relieve the intestinal flora

Fighting intestinal disorders is not an easy task. Well, dates provide both dietary and insoluble fiber, which generates bowel movements and counteracts constipation. At the same time, its contribution in potassium allows it to replace the electrolytes caused by chronic diarrhea.

Improves bone health

According to a study published in the Journal of Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, dates have enough minerals, including calcium, which makes it possible to strengthen bones and prevent degenerative diseases such as osteoporosis.

Provides energy

The contribution of glucose, fructose, and natural sucrose from this fruit provides a large amount of energy, which makes it ideal for athletes. In turn, its minerals make it a great ally to achieve body mass or muscles, free of harmful fats.

Fight anemia

Its high iron content counteracts iron deficiency anemia. In addition, its consumption is especially indicated for older people who can affect an anemic picture, as it raises red blood cells. Consuming dates regularly can provide energy, combat tiredness and fatigue.

Reduce bad cholesterol

This fruit has vitamin B3, it can reduce the levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol and blood pressure. Also, remember that this fruit is fat-free. It is noteworthy that it has a great satiating power, which can be useful for weight loss if consumed in moderation.

Relieves cough

Faced with throat conditions (dry cough), dates can be a great help thanks to their anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. For this you can seek medical treatments based on this gift of nature, such as TUSIKERN 20 SOBRES, which can be administered to patients over 3 years of age.

Contraindications of dates

Although we have pointed out powerful benefits, it is important to consider the following:

  • Only 100 grams of this fruit has more than 200 calories, hence you must control consumption if you are on a weight loss diet.
  • It can cause cavities, so you have to monitor the oral health of children.

As you have seen, this fruit has a large number of benefits. Go ahead and enjoy the delicious flavor and the nutrients that it contributes to health.

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