Harmful Effects of technology on the health and mind

When Graham Bell launched the first patented telephone back in 1876, he probably didn’t know that it would evolve to something as sophisticated as what we see and use today. The telephone, however, was only the first of many gadgets to come and evolve into the smart devices we use today.

What Are Smart Devices?

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You’re most likely reading this article on the screen of any one of the following: A smartphone, laptop, desktop, iPad, or tablet. Any one of the aforementioned gadgets are smart devices, but that’s not all… Smart devices are electronic devices built with elements of technology that make them perform certain intelligent functions. More often than not, smart devices are connected to the internet to create a network with other devices via a number of wireless protocols, the most common of which include Bluetooth and Wi-Fi to form the internet of things (IoT). These smart devices can also collect or store data from authorized sources, and perform certain analysis to give credible information. Many of the smart devices today perform tons of automatic functions and even interact with humans.

Image Source: The Financial Express

From the description of what smart devices are, you must already have a pretty good idea of what they are and some of their examples. Other examples of smart devices include: smart watches (iWatches), smart speakers (Bluetooth), smart-cars, smart thermostats, smart refrigerators, etc. Basically, any device that is the product of algorithms, tech, and computing is a smart device.
Smart devices are part of our everyday lives; we deploy them in making decisions, setting calendars and music playlists, controlling our home devices remotely, and generally making our lifestyle less stressful, seamless, and fancy. Plus, using these smart devices makes everyone feel cool and at the top in the society. We use smart devices every day, and they seem perfect, flawless, and without any blemish, but we know that’s not true. It is quite hard to come to the realization that some of these gadgets might be causing some physical or psychological harm that may span for generations and even affect the natural evolution of the human species in years to come.

Smart devices are part of our everyday lives; we deploy them in making decisions, setting calendars and music playlists, controlling our home devices remotely, and generally making our lifestyle less stressful, seamless, and fancy. Plus, using these smart devices makes everyone feel cool and at the top in the society. We use smart devices every day, and they seem perfect, flawless, and without any blemish, but we know that’s not true. It is quite hard to come to the realization that some of these gadgets might be causing some physical or psychological harm that may span for generations and even affect the natural evolution of the human species in years to come. 

So, what are the possible drawbacks to using smart devices? Are smart devices bad your health? Come, let’s find out.

Note: The aim of this article is not to ridicule the value of smart devices, rather it is trying to communicate reasons for some caution while using them.

Cancer-Induced Radiation

Image Source: CnTechPost

You’ve probably seen this on many social media platforms, and although some of the online posts that describe this hazard might be over exaggerating the dangers, there’s actually some element of truth in it. According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), every smart device in existence emits small, but significant amounts of radiation known as Electromagnetic Frequency (EMF), which pose some danger to your health. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), EMF is a carcinogen, and it has been classified in the same category as vehicle exhaust, DDT, and other potent carcinogens. 

Before now, smart devices didn’t pose much threat in terms of radiation, but with the development of new technologies and the increasing production and use of smart devices in every sector of the world, it is only a matter of time before it explodes in our faces.  Every new building is being retrofitted with some sort of smart technology, which may cause cancer for people who are in constant contact with the radiation from these devices. 

In a nutshell, using smart devices might not be a smart decision for our health after all.

Eye Problems

Image Source: All About Vision

Smart devices with screens are the culprits of this health hazard, and it is one that everybody should be wary of. Smart devices produce many lights, but blue lights measured at wavelength of about 380nm to 450nm may take a heavy toll on the health of your eyes by slowly killing off photo-receptor cells in the retina. The danger in this health hazard is the fact that these photo-receptor cells almost never heal or regeneration, thereby making any damage done to them permanent and without any simple cure. Common signs and symptoms of eye damage caused by blue light include retinal damage, burning sensation, eye strain, focusing issues, and dry eyes.

Smartphones with much less display screens and font sizes may cause you to squint your eyes- an action that is also bad for the health of your eyes.

Bad Posture

Image Source: Physio Logic

When people are engrossed in whatever it is their doing on their smart devices, nothing else matters. Sometimes they sit, stand, or lay down in poor, non-ergonomic positions, and before they know it, the posture becomes permanent, even without the smart devices in play. Bad posture may also come with body aches, and muscle strains, which may continue to cause permanent pain. A way around this problem is to always remind yourself to sit up straight while using any screen smart device; for using laptops, try to get an ergonomic chair and table to help you keep a proper posture. You don’t want to look like a hunchback whale or crayfish when walking along the alley. 

Road Accidents

Image Source: Naples Florida Weekly

This can happen in two ways:

First is, you’re engrossed in the new app or game you just downloaded on your smartphone and unfortunately step onto the road, after which an accident occurs. It has happened like a million times already, so this isn’t hearsay or a fable.

The second scenario is when you’re making a phone call via your smartphone or smart car, lose concentration in the process, and before you know it, you find yourself in a head-on collision with an oncoming vehicle.

Road accidents are responsible for an annual 38,000 deaths in the United States, and even more become physically or psychologically disabled.

Cubital Tunnel Syndrome

Image Source: Neil Asher Education

This is a nervous disorder that originates from the compression or stretching of the ulnar nerve that passes through the elbow. The major symptom of the Cubital Tunnel Syndrome is a tingling and numb feeling in the hands, but it might aggravate to permanent nerve damage. Smartphones are once again the culprits in this case, because constantly leaning on your elbow while texting or making a phone call might cause this condition to develop.

Other Hazards That Can Be Linked To The Use of Smart Devices Include:

  • Over-dependence on technology
  • Thumb arthritis
  • Transfer of germs (Smartphones can harbor disease-causing microorganisms.)
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

In Conclusion

Smart devices are slowly taking over the world; not exactly like in the Terminator or Avengers series, but their constant use might just wreak the same havoc like in those movies. The role of smart devices cannot be downplayed, but sadly, they have bad sides. So to protect your health, and the health of your family, start trying to reduce your interaction with smart devices, or at least choose safer options. 

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