Work efficiency: five ways to apply it in the office

Performance depends on factors internal and external to the person.

Efficacy refers to the ability we have to achieve a certain goal through our actions. We are more effective the more times we reach the objectives, where what would come into play is the use of our tools, how we put them into practice, without considering both factors of time and speed. 

In the office and with regard to our work, what matters most to us is that the hours of work and the effort invested are reflected. We measure our capacity based on the results, how effective we are. Therefore, a variable that we want to increase is said efficiency. Doing so can be simple and will not take long. We only have to carry out five actions.

More results

When we set ourselves tasks, objectives or the realization of projects, we are aware that success is not always guaranteed. We can get stuck or make mistakes along the way. We do not finish what we started or what is achieved is not satisfactory. This generates an average that measures our effectiveness: I am more effective the more goals I achieve. This variable is important both for the company, for superiors and for ourselves. It makes us feel satisfied and proud with our work and predisposes us to have better results in the future, so we would like to enhance this trait further.

If we want to work on work efficiency, to complete more projects and for them to be successful, we can put the following guidelines into practice:

Goal and award

The first thing you must define is the goal or objective to be achieved, whether it is a long project or small daily tasks. Once done, what will the prize be? It can be something social, like going out with friends or colleagues to celebrate, or something material, like a book or clothes for us. This incentive is important for motivation to increase.

Present and future

Always keep in mind two temporal aspects, the present and the future. In the first, we look at the tools and skills we have to face achieving the goal and, in the second, we can see the resources that we may be lacking to be successful and that we must learn along the way.

Anticipation of problems

In the roadmap that you mark, enter all the obstacles and unforeseen events that may exist, even if they are remote, to generate alternative solutions in writing. This way, if they happen, you will be prepared.


You are not a lone worker, you have a team to turn to, ask for advice or get help from. You don't want to be the best and the one who does everything alone. That competitiveness will only hurt yourself.


All work has to have its rest times, both daily, and in long periods, such as weekends. Schedule those breaks, keep them in writing and always stick to them.

Work efficiency is one of the most sought after traits in any company. Workers are asked to be able to achieve goals, encouraged to do so, and in many cases, they come to be rewarded with social recognition or promotions. It is a quality that we want to achieve in ourselves and that, in the end, will also have an effect on our personal lives.

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