Are Capybaras Known to Attack Humans? | Pet Capybara Safety

Capybaras are quite cute if you think it that way. To be honest, it would be quite a reasonable thought to have a capybara as your pet animal. If you are 100% assured that you can provide proper accommodation and also the environment that it needs to strive, it is quite a reasonable thought that you might be wanting to have a capybara as an animal. 

Being smart, social animals, capybaras are affectionately called giant Guinea pigs. But to be honest, they are quite not as simple as it sounds. Such type of animal, the rodent class, are one of the largest rodents in the world in ever existence. An average adult capybara can weight up to 170 pounds. With quite relatively being one of the pleasant household pets in the rodent class, one of the common questions that might occur to you is that are they going to attack you or bite you. To be honest, are quote they write a lot of history of capybara's attacking human or similar pets. Sometimes, capybaras are notest to enter any household or domicile area and attack the existing pets or animals. But then again, that is only for the wild capybaras. But what about the pet ones? 

Is it truly possible that a wild capybara will have absolutely changed attitude if it is born and raised on a human domicile? In this article, we will be discussing about the fact that whether or not pet capybaras are known to attack humans. 

Do capybaras attack humans? 


Capybaras are one of the most favorite exotic pets in the world. But before adopting any, you need to take care of the following things that are explained in this article. Especially for such an exotic wild animal, you need to know properly about the animal first. 

To give you a direct answer, of course, like any other animal with teeth and claws, capybaras do attack humans. But animals are not like humans. They do not attack without any reason. They will only attack if they feel that their existence is being threatened by someone or something. 

And if they are under the influence of thinking that you are a threat to them, they will obviously attack on you. 
This article covers all the basics about why capybara's attack on human and how you can keep a pet capybara without being attacked by it. And also, how you should not be afraid at all from keeping a capybara and free from the fear that it will attack at any moment. 
Just like any other animal, capybaras will obviously attack humans when you provoke them or make them feel scared. Generally, capybaras are friendly and won't attack humans. But you still need to be careful around them. Especially if there's kids at home. 

When do capybaras attack humans?  

IMG SOURCE: Facebook :houston zoo

Capybaras are basically wild animals. Which means their basic or natural habitat is out in the woods. And they are not supposed to be around people. Moreover, they don't like that much playing rough games like a dog does. Which makes them quite different from any other pet animals that you might have on your household. New lines and this is exactly why you need to have proper attention and proper care with them. 

Capybaras usually tend to attack when they are irritated too much or disturbed from their relaxed mode. Just as you would assume by looking at its face, it is quite a relaxing animal. Its relaxation level goes way beyond that of a cat. To be honest, most experts in this case believes that families that have children under the age of 12 years should not keep capybaras as pets. This is because, younger children do have a tendency to run around in the house and it can cause disruption in their relaxed. 
Getting a capybara as a pet and caring for it is basically a huge time commitment. If they're not receiving the love and the care that they are habit rated on a natural basis, there is a really good chance that the mood of the animal is not going to be in the positive side and the chances of getting attacked will increase. 

As Capybaras are social animals, they need your company most of the time. If you leave them alone at home for a long time, they will get anxious and stressed. So, it’s better to adopt two of them to keep each other company. 
Besides, you should avoid yelling or punishing them. Let alone trying to beat them. Because things can go out of hand really quick. And the last thing you want is to be attacked by your own pet. 

Another reason why Capybaras attack humans is if they feel crammed into a small space. Because of their large size, they need an open space to roam around freely. Otherwise, it will lead to bad behavior like biting. 

Why do capybaras attack humans? 

Now that you know a Capybara needs a lot of space to run around and a pool to swim in. Ideally, they should be left outdoors.

What’s more, they love to soak in the sun. During summer, when it gets too hot outside, they will relax in a shady area or in the water. 

If you lock them indoors, they will go crazy and start biting everything in the house. Put simply, they can’t tolerate being left alone in a small indoor space. 
However, many owners allow their Capybara to sleep indoors too. In that case, you will have to potty-train them. You need to be more careful if you keep them indoors. 

Preferably, a Capybara needs the company of another Capybara. While having the moral support of their own kind helps, they also enjoy the company of other animals and people too.   

But you should never keep two males together. Because they will fight with each other for dominance. And this can lead to Capybaras attacking you as well. 
Additionally, Capybaras are sensitive to people’s needs too. So, they will learn to obey you very quick. Just like dogs, you could train them to do tricks. 
Once you have earned the trust of a Capybara, it’s very unlikely that they will attack you. 


Behavior and temperament of capybara 

To be honest, if a capybara is raised from its very childhood inside a human domicile, the situation can be quite different. But if you are getting quite a grown up or adult capybara as your pet, situation can be difficult and also different from the ideal one. First of all, the very important thing that you need to have is patience. Because as an adult capybara has been born and raised in one environment and then when you are adopting it as a pet, it will have a different environment. Things are not going to be quite the same. You need to be patient until it gets used to the new environment and also to your existence around its environment. 


On a general basis, capybaras are not prone towards direct attack on humans. Unless and until its family is being threatened or it feels that its existence is being threatened by someone or something, any animal is bound to attack in some sort of way. But on a general perspective, capybaras are not quite as prone two biting humans. Then again you need to remember the fact about them being threatened or provoked. They do have a giant set of teeth to defend themselves and they do have the chance of biting. In a general sense, this class of rodent are quite well known for being nervous and shy. But if you are forcing it to come out of its shyness and be open to you, you can expect a small attack or a threat and as a result of the rodent being insecure. 


Pampering and grooming and you capybara is one of the best icebreaker for this class of rodent. As you are offering it some food and gently combing its hair, it can be considered as quite a relaxing and bonding experience for the animal. As capybaras tend to rub their hair and the side of their bodies to the trunk of trees a lot, combing it with your hands might give it a feel of relaxation and also it will be interested in you more than before. 

Capybaras should always be kept in pairs. Because they are such a social animal, they do not tend to behave and react well when they are totally alone. Some people think that if they are with the pet capybara at all time, then it might not feel alone. But that is not what we are talking about. 

Being with company means being with the same species. So, doesn’t matter how much love or affection you give to the rodent, you need to keep them in pairs. So that, they get a chance to have a little socialization among themselves. 

However, this is not the same for male neutered capybaras. As for neutering, their hormones and behavior pattern changes. Hence, there might not be that much of a need for a company. 

Again, if there are too many male members in a small area, there is bound to happen a territorial fight. As the need for dominance is always existing among the male class, for all living things. There are small scent glands located on the top of their snouts. These glands are used to mark territories. Both male and female use the glands and the scent to mark the territory for themselves. 

As for personal preferences, capybaras like grassed, watered areas. As the shape of their feet makes them excellent swimmers, they tend to occasionally have a little bit of time for themselves in the water. They are also capable of keeping their breath underwater for up to 5 minutes. 

 What to do if your pet capybara attacks? 

Even though Capybaras are unlikely to attack, you should always be prepared for the worst. If they bite you, it can hurt a lot. Good news is that Capybara bites can be treated. 

In the unlikely case that you are bitten. Firstly, you need to stop the bleeding. Here are some quick steps to do that: 
Apply pressure on the wound with a clean cloth or tissue until the bleeding stops 

Don’t remove the cloth even if blood soaks it all. Instead, use more cloth on top of it and keep applying pressure 
If the wound is on the arm or leg, lie back down and raise it up to slow down bleeding 

When you have managed to stop the bleeding, rush to the nearest hospital. Its crucial to be examined for diseases which might have transferred to you. Common diseases are rabies and tetanus. 

Depending on the injury, you may be prescribed antibiotics. Moreover, its vital to get enough rest and care for at least a week. In some extreme cases, it takes up to 3 months to recover fully. 

Keep in mind that immediate attention of a doctor is needed in case of excessive bleeding. The sooner you reach the hospital, there’s a higher chance of recovery from diseases. Always consult a registered medical practitioner. 
Proper care and rest are equally important. This ensures better results in recovery from the bite. Moreover, it helps reduce scars that may be left behind after the bite. 


How to reduce the risk of a capybara attack 

There are some certain ways in which you can be why does your that you're never gonna will not attack. The very first is that cover you need to feed them enough hay and give them lots of woods to chew on. Capybaras have sharp teeth and they like to keep it sharp. And chewing on words also help them in terms of keeping it clean and shiny bold stuff which is quite a symbol of pride in their society. 

If they don’t wear down their teeth, it will cause them trouble while eating. In extreme cases, it will lead to mouth and stomach infections and it can cause death. 

Before you feed them anything, make sure it’s not poisonous or harmful to them. Never feed them grass grown with pesticides or chemicals. For wood, willow and birch are good choices. 

When you feel that your Capybara is angry or stressed, it’s best to keep your distance from them. Even if they try to attack you, never scold or beat them. 
If Capybaras feel threatened, they are more likely to attack you. So, avoid making any sudden moves which may startle them. Especially grabbing them from the back or running towards them. 
For families with kids under 12, its recommended to install pet safety fences at the staircase, doors and outside their rooms. 

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