Can a Dog Eat Grapes? Discover the Risks

Have you ever wondered if a dog can eat grapes? On the one hand, many pet owners know that quality pet food has all the nutrients pets need. On the other hand, it is undeniable that offering them a different food can be very tasty. 

In this sense, natural foods, such as certain fruits and vegetables, can be good snack options. In addition to being less fatty than traditional options, such as biscuits and steaks, many still help with water intake. 

But beware! Before offering a different fruit to the pet, it is necessary to make sure that it is a safe option for the species. This is because several fruits, even if healthy for us, can be toxic to dogs, seriously affecting their health. Find out if a dog can eat grapes below!

After all, can a dog eat grapes?

Can my dog ​​eat grapes? Among the common fruits in our day to day, grapes are one of the most dangerous for dogs, and there are several problems that can arise from its ingestion.

Grapes contain a toxic substance that can lead to changes, such as increased urinary frequency and drinking water, because it causes damage to the kidneys.

In addition to the quantity, other factors concur to result in greater or lesser toxicity of the food for dogs, such as the size of the dog, type of grape, and sensitivity of each individual. So if you're wondering if a dog can eat sour grapes or different varieties, the answer is still no.

In other words, there is no safe amount of consumption, so you should never feed the dogs grapes, not even a single berry. In other words: a dog cannot eat grapes under any circumstances.

What to do in case of accidental ingestion?

Any type of food and plants and medicines must be kept out of the reach of animals. Remembering that this is true not only for dogs, but also for other species of pets with free access to the environments of the house, such as pussies. 

Visitors on a party day should not ask politely to offer anything, as they may think that a dog can eat grapes. If there is insecurity, it is best to prepare an environment, leaving it well enriched with water, a toy feeder, etc., and keep the pet isolated until the end of the event. 

It is also very important to keep trash cans closed or out of the dog's reach in everyday life. And it's not just because dogs can't eat grapes: there are other foods that can be harmful to pets.

If, despite all these precautions, the dog ends up ingesting grapes by accident, it is important to take him to the veterinarian as soon as possible. Depending on the type of substance and the time elapsed since ingestion, the professional can take measures to reduce the absorption of the toxic substance, reducing its impacts on health.

It is noteworthy that even if the pet does not show obvious symptoms of intoxication, such as vomiting, it can still have its health severely impaired. In the case of grapes, as mentioned above, the symptoms are often mild, consisting of increased water intake and changes in urination. 


Check out some fruit options allowed for dogs

Grape, no way! However, it is possible to offer other fruits for the pet as a snack from time to time. Among the most recommended options are apple, pear, melon, and watermelon. These should always be offered without seeds to avoid intoxication and obstruction.

It is very important to take care that the consumption of these foods does not exceed 10% of the pet's daily caloric needs. Fruits are rich in fructose and calories, and should be provided in a moderate way, taking into account the size of the dog and what he eats daily.

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