Do Unopened Snaps Impact Snap Score? | Snapchat Guide

Snapchat, a popular social media platform, is known for its unique features, including disappearing messages and the Snap Score system. The Snap Score, represented by a number next to a user's username, is often a subject of intrigue and curiosity among Snapchat users. One question that frequently arises is whether unopened snaps contribute to an increase in Snap Score. The influence of unopened snaps on the score remains unclear. Snapchat's algorithm calculates the Snap Score using multiple factors, and the exact weightage given to each component is undisclosed. This article aims to explore the mechanics behind the Snap Score system and shed light on the impact, if any, of unopened snaps on an individual's Snap Score.

Understanding Snap Score

Snap Score is a numerical representation of a user's activity and engagement on Snapchat. It is a cumulative score calculated based on several factors, including the number of snaps sent, snaps received, stories posted, and other interactions within the app. The precise algorithm used to calculate the Snap Score remains undisclosed by Snapchat, leading to speculation and curiosity regarding its components.

Snaps Sent and Received

The number of snaps sent and received plays a significant role in determining the Snap Score. Each time a user sends a snap to another user, it contributes to their own Snap Score. Similarly, when a user receives a snap from another user, it also affects their Snap Score. The interaction of sending and receiving snaps reflects the level of engagement and activity within the Snapchat community.

Opened vs. Unopened Snaps

While opened snaps contribute to both the sender's and the receiver's Snap Scores, the impact of unopened snaps on the Snap Score is less clear. Snapchat's algorithm does not explicitly reveal whether unopened snaps affect the Snap Score. Some users speculate that unopened snaps may still contribute to the score, as they demonstrate active participation in the platform. However, without official confirmation from Snapchat, the exact influence of unopened snaps on the Snap Score remains uncertain.

Other Factors Influencing Snap Score

Aside from snaps sent and received, the Snap Score algorithm likely incorporates various additional factors to determine the overall score. This may include metrics such as engagement with Snapchat's Discover section, participation in group chats, story views, and other interactions within the app. The comprehensive nature of the algorithm implies that the Snap Score is a reflection of a user's overall activity and engagement on Snapchat, extending beyond solely opened or unopened snaps.


While snaps sent and received unquestionably contribute to a user's Snap Score, the influence of unopened snaps on the score remains unclear. Snapchat's algorithm calculates the Snap Score using multiple factors, and the exact weightage given to each component is undisclosed. While some users speculate that unopened snaps may play a role in the calculation, it is essential to remember that the Snap Score is a holistic reflection of overall engagement and activity on the platform. Until Snapchat releases official information clarifying the impact of unopened snaps on the Snap Score, it remains an aspect open to speculation and interpretation among curious Snapchat users.

Header image source: Business Insider