Symptoms & Signs of Anxiety Disorder | Different Types of Anxiety

Our first recommendation is that if you think you suffer from this disorder, you go to a psychologist. Anxiety is a state of alarm and nervousness in response to an imminent threat. Entering this state when we feel in danger is something natural. However, people who present these symptoms for no apparent reason and on a regular basis do suffer from an anxiety disorder that must be treated.

What symptoms can I have?

Do you suffer from palpitations? Do you think others are watching you? Are you feeling listless or depressed? Don't worry, this is all anxiety. This disorder can manifest itself through a very varied symptomatology, so it is vitally important that you have the diagnosis of an anxiety psychologist.

Physical Symptoms

They usually scare us the most because we tend to think that it is a serious physical illness that we must treat in a medical consultation. However, this symptom will not completely heal until an expert psychologist has treated it.

The main conditions are:

  • Increased heart rate
  • Accelerated breathing (hyperventilation)
  • Sweating
  • Tremors
  • Feeling weak or tired
  • Insomnia
  • Gastrointestinal disorders
  • Chest pain

Emotional Symptoms

These are usually irritability, obsessive thoughts, difficulty concentrating, excessive worry about the future ... And many more. That is why it is so important to go to a psychologist to treat anxiety and as soon as possible, because the clinical picture can always worsen.

Behavioral symptoms

They are identified as those changes that the patient incorporates in his behavior to cope with the situations that he perceives as dangerous. These can be hyperactivity, social isolation, execution of repetitive movements, emotional blockage.

What are the causes of anxiety?

The causes of anxiety are not entirely clear. The truth is that the origin of this disorder will vary depending on the person and their lived experiences. There is evidence that your genes could influence this, that is, people with close relatives who suffer from anxiety are more likely to develop this disorder.

To conclude the causes or origin of your particular case, you must be diagnosed and treated by a psychologist specialist for anxiety. Remember that this is only a guide and that the treatment and tools to manage this disease are in the hands of an expert.

Types of Anxiety

This would be an endless post if we specified each and every one of the types of anxiety that exist, so we will only delve into those that are more frequent.

  • Agoraphobia is a condition for which you fear places or situations that can make you feel trapped, helpless or embarrassed.
  • Disorder due to illness includes symptoms of anxiety or panic attacks. It is due to a physical health problem or the belief of suffering from it.
  • Generalized anxiety disorder is characterized by persistent and excessive alertness and worries about circumstances and events in your daily routine. This is difficult to control and affects the way you feel physically. When it is prolonged in time, it usually generates depression.
  • Separation anxiety is a disorder usually generated during childhood and relates to the separation of parents or persons of the environment that fulfill this function.
  • The social anxiety disorder or social phobia conocidísima implies a rejection of social situations motivated by a constant feeling of fear and insecurity to the presentiment of being judged negatively by others at all times.

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