Plantar Fasciitis: What Is It, Symptoms, Treatments and Causes

Plantar fasciitis is a pain in the heel that athletes usually suffer. Those who are overweight also enter the table of susceptible patients. It is a fairly common ailment, in which making some changes can be alleviated or even disappear completely.

Now, what are the symptoms of Plantar Fasciitis? How do you know if you are suffering from this annoyance? We want you to have good health, that is why we are going to explain this topic to you, and of course, what treatments you can apply to alleviate or cure Plantar Fasciitis.

What is plantar fasciitis?

Plantar Aponeurosis - as it is also known - is an inflammation of a thick tissue connected to the foot's sole. Just before reaching the heel, the tissue becomes inflamed, which can cause shooting pain.

This thick tissue is vital when taking steps when walking or running, in fact, it prevents excessive flexion of the toes and, together with other tissues of the foot, maintains the arch and balance when walking. A pain in this area is not in principle a serious matter, however, it is necessary to take care of it, otherwise it can become chronic and persistent, affecting our daily activities.

Symptoms of Plantar Fasciitis

The foot can be injured for several reasons, so it is vital to know the symptoms of this discomfort in order to detect if it is fasciitis or has another cause. Next, we will indicate the most common symptoms.

  • There is a shooting pain in the sole of the foot when getting up in the morning.
  • The pain intensifies after a period of rest, and you stand up.
  • The pain may also intensify after prolonged standing, such as playing sports excessively.
  • While walking the pain lessens.

Plantar fasciitis causes

The etiology of plantar aponeurosis is not known exactly, however, there are factors that can influence the existence of tension in that area, causing small tears that induce pain in the heel. Next, we will indicate some possible causes or risk factors

  • Standing for long hours
  • Poor posture when walking
  • Inappropriate footwear that does not cushion and distribute weight
  • Overweight
  • Women who regularly wear high heels and switch to flats can put stress on the Achilles heel, making them more susceptible to plantar fasciitis and other discomforts.
  • Physical exercises that put a lot of stress on the foot, such as aerobic movements. Running too much can also play a role.

Is Plantar Fasciitis the same as Calcaneal Spur?

These two annoyances are closely related. First of all, when you feel any persistent pain in your foot, you should see your GP. It will indicate an X-ray. This exam will show if it is Fasciitis or a Spur.

In the spur, there is a calcification of bone or pointed protrusion, which may require surgery depending on the time you have been suffering. (Although this is the last option when all else fails.) The pain is persistent; there have even been reports of patients who have felt pain for months, which does not allow them to walk comfortably, much less exercise.

Instead, fasciitis is an occasional pain in the sole or heel that commonly subsides after a bit of walking.

Some studies indicate that the Calcaneal Spur begins with Plantar Fasciitis, this means that if you do not treat the fasciitis, you can develop a Spur, which requires more specialized treatments. For this reason, it is very important to attend to this annoyance in the early stage, in this way it does not interfere with your activities.

Plantar Fasciitis Treatments

The best medicine for this discomfort is to reduce the tension generated in the fascia. In this sense, it is convenient to know what is the cause of our pain.

If it is a bad footprint, you can solve it with the use of anatomical insoles. Valgus feet are characterized by collapsing towards the inside, and cavus feet, have a higher foot than usual, in these two cases, the use of insoles will be necessary.

Insoles may need to be customized based on foot type. This will allow you to release the tension without the risk of suffering the pain again.

On the other hand, it is necessary to alleviate the pain, for this anti-inflammatory are prescribed, such as Naproxen, Ibuprofen combined with Physiotherapy treatments.

One recommendation is to wear comfortable shoes in our size to avoid foot injuries. The massage can relieve ailments, which include: myofascial release, stretching, and strengthening.

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