How to Properly Disinfect a Woune to Prevent Infection

You are exposed to accidents on a daily basis, either at home while doing your chores or while performing your job duties. If not properly cared for, bumps and scrapes can easily turn into an infected wound, but there is a solution for these situations. Today we will tell you how to disinfect an infected wound in this article on health.

You can be prepared to act if, for example, your child injures himself falling off a bicycle. For this, it is necessary to have a certain knowledge of first aid, such as those that we will transmit below. 

Measures to prevent a wound from becoming infected

While the skin is intact, it acts as a natural barrier against bacteria. On the other hand, if you suffer a cut, the wet tissue becomes a breeding ground for germs that penetrate the body and proliferate rapidly.

What makes the difference between a wound and an infected wound is simply prevention.

The measures you can take to prevent infections in minor wounds are:

  • Wash your hands with soap or antibacterial gel before and after touching the wound.
  • Clean the affected area with water and an appropriate antiseptic liquid.
  • Gently dry the wound.
  • Apply an antiseptic cream, thus avoiding contamination.
  • Cover the wound with a clean bandage and remember to change it frequently.

What causes a wound to become infected?

There are several factors that influence a wound to become more easily infected: the type and depth of the wound, the area of ​​the body affected and its level of blood supply, and of course, the body's immune response to germs. 

A wound could become infected if any of these four conditions exist :

  • Germs that live in the body enter the wound through the surrounding healthy skin.
  • The wound becomes infected with bacteria, a product of not practicing proper hygiene on damaged tissues, by contact with pets or other contaminating agents.
  • Germs in the environment come into contact with the wound.
  • Touching the wound with contaminated hands.

How can I tell if a wound is infected?

If you're not careful, an innocent scrape can easily turn into a dangerous infected wound. When this happens, the signs of infection are clear: discharge, changes in color, and severe pain in the affected area.

So if you currently have an injury, don't overlook the following signs:

  • Redness and swelling
  • Edges of the wound with inflammation
  • Hot temperature in the injured area
  • Appearance of yellowish liquid
  • Throbbing pain to the touch

How to disinfect an infected wound?

Infected wounds must be treated with great care. Even if you are not a health specialist, you can do it yourself without going to an infirmary. Just carefully follow these tips to disinfect an infected wound:

  • Wash your hands well. Before starting to clean the wound, it is essential to wash your hands with antibacterial soap and warm water to not transfer other germs.
  • Disinfect the wound. Use a sterile gauze soaked in antiseptic fluid.
  • Clean the entire affected area. Do not just focus on the wound, it is vital to remove all the dirt that is around it. Avoid rubbing it very hard so as not to damage it more; using soap and water. Try to clean all traces of impurities.
  • Apply medication. Before covering the wound and especially if it presents blisters or discharge. Apply antibiotic cream or other medications topically and always recommended by a health professional. 
  • Follow up. Every day you should make sure that it is healing. Now, if you notice that the wound remains red and swollen over the days, it is possible that it is a more complex infection and that it deserves the attention of a hospital or even surgery.  

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