What Are Bleeding Hemorrhoids and How to Treat Them?

According to some historians, the French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte lost the Battle of Waterloo largely because a rectal lump bothered him and prevented him from skillfully leading his army. If so, it is understandable, because bleeding piles are very painful.

Today, this disorder affects almost 80% of the adult population at any stage of their life. This article will cover the most appropriate treatments and recommendations to treat this condition, at the same time, you will obtain more understanding of what it implies.

Causes of Bleeding Hemorrhoids

The American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons reported that about 5% of people with hemorrhoids suffer from symptoms such as pain and bleeding. However, some require surgical treatment, most of the time, they can be cured with medical treatments.

Specialists define hemorrhoidal disease as the product of inflammation of the blood vessels that are located within the anal and rectal venous plexus. According to their position, they can be internal or external, when a hemorrhage occurs in them, we are in the presence of bleeding piles.

The bleeding they produce is bright red in color and occurs after stool or coating the stool, and sometimes there is dripping that stains the toilet paper. Although it is not necessary to be alarmed, it is important to go to the doctor for the discomfort it produces and to rule out more serious diseases.

If there is an increase in pressure on the veins and tissues of the pelvis and rectal area or by rubbing the stool when exiting, they become inflamed, open, and bleed. Now, the causes that trigger these intestinal events can be diverse.

Next, we will mention the most common:

  • They can be the result of excessive effort when evacuating, suffering from constipation or chronic diarrhea.
  • Advanced state of pregnancy, where the weight of the fetus presses on the pelvic area.
  • Liver cirrhosis can cause rectal bleeding.
  • It could happen after great physical exertion, such as lifting very heavy objects.

What to do when hemorrhoids bleed?

When suffering from external hemorrhoids, skin usually develops around the anus that is very painful to the touch, and more if a blood clot or a thrombosis develops within the hemorrhoid sac.

If in your case, bleeding after bowel movements has become frequent, then it is time to seriously consider the measures you should take to avoid further complications, such as having a healthy diet and drinking plenty of water.

Along the same lines, there are drugs on the market specially designed to alleviate the discomforts caused by bleeding piles significantly. Later on, which ones are the most effective will be explained to you.

Eat a lot of fiber

In order to regulate bowel movements and avoid time in the toilet, it is advisable to consume cereals, fruits and vegetables in portions of 20 to 40 grams per day, this contributes to better defecation. It is a preventive measure to attack constipation, which is one of the most common causes of hemorrhoids.

In this regard, taking fiber supplements that do not interfere with other medications is another ingenious measure. An ideal way to start your day is by consuming Siken form breakfast oat bran flakes, which contain the energy of oats and wheat, rich in fiber to aid intestinal transit.

Exercising and drinking water

If you intend to drink at least a liter and a half or two of water, the intestines will carry water into the stool, which will make bowel movements easier.

In another vein, it is convenient to plan an exercise routine that stimulates peristaltic movements, that is, those carried out by the digestive system to eliminate waste through evacuation.

Among the exercises that achieve this are abdominal breathing, which is carried out lying on your back with the legs flexed and the hands picking up the knees. Also, adopting the nail position is done lying on your back, stretching the legs upwards while the hands rest on the back.

In addition, it is suggested to practice swimming, as this exercise improves blood circulation.

Use drugs

Some of the most prescribed to treat these discomforts are lidocaine-based ointments. For example, Anso rectal ointment contains active ingredients such as the corticosteroid triamcinolone acetonide and pentosan polysulfate sodium, an anticoagulant that helps dissolve small blood clots, or Daflon, which reduces swelling.

Creams like these have been very effective in calming rectal and anal pain, while other hemorrhoid medications reduce the duration of bleeding. However, it should be remembered that anesthetic ointments should be applied for a few days so that skin irritation, sensitivity or allergies do not occur.

Do cold sitz baths

For years, those who have suffered from bleeding hemorrhoids have found that sitz baths with cold water and the application of ice provide temporary relief from discomfort. Of course, they must be combined with medical treatments, such as those already mentioned.

Of course, you are required to keep an eye on the symptoms and the time they last. If the bleeding persists after applying the recommended measures above, consult your doctor immediately, especially if the bleeding is a lot or causes dizziness and vertigo.

Lastly, don't immediately assume that rectal bleeding is due to hemorrhoids, and particularly if you notice changes in your bowel habits or if your stool has changed color. The reason is because these symptoms are caused by other terrible diseases, such as colorectal cancer and anal cancer.

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