Before the first day of bleeding, it is possible that the woman experiences symptoms that indicate that the days of menstruation are approaching, these discomforts are actually premenstrual symptoms.
Although generally during the month some changes are experienced that can affect the state of women, these tend to be mild. However, there are those who suffer from more severe discomfort that even need to visit a doctor. We will talk about PMS, what the symptoms are, and if you need to seek medical attention.
What is premenstrual syndrome?
This syndrome is made up of the physical or even emotional symptoms that precede the arrival of the menstrual period. It is a series of complaints that affects a large number of women.
There are women who do not suffer from these discomforts or experience them very mildly. However, there are those who can feel so much discomfort that it can affect their daily activities.
When do premenstrual symptoms appear?
According to the research that has been carried out, it has been pointed out that PMS symptoms start a few days after ovulation, that is, one or two weeks before the arrival of the menstrual period. This is because during these days (after ovulation), the levels of estrogen and progesterone drop.
Now, these symptoms disappear completely two or four days after the arrival of menstruation, this is because the level of hormones begins to rise.
Premenstrual symptoms
These discomforts can vary depending on the woman, in addition, some severe cases can be due to premenstrual dysphoric disorder. It is important to note that symptoms may vary during the reproductive stage of women. Next, we will briefly indicate some of the symptoms that characterize the premenstrual syndrome.
Physical symptoms
- Gases
- Swelling
- Tender breasts
- Headache or headache
- Back pain
- Diarrhea or constipation
- Acne
- Annoyance from noise or even light
- Cramps
These symptoms affect 3 out of 4 women; they can be mild to severe. And they can get more bothersome after pregnancy or nearing menopause.
Emotional symptoms
- Fatigue
- Desire to eat a lot
- Less sexual desire
- Anxiety or sadness (cyclothymia)
- Concentration problems
- Lack of sleep
These symptoms can be mild and only be experienced for a few months. But they can also be constant with each menstruation and become severe, making daily activities impossible. If you feel too much discomfort, consult your doctor to find out if you are suffering from Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD).
Who can get severe premenstrual syndrome (PMDD)?
In reality, any woman experiences some of the symptoms before her menstrual cycle at some point in her life. However, PMDD, which is more severe, is suffered by few women. In these cases, depression or tension can prevent you from doing your job or studies.
The most susceptible women are:
- Those with a history of family members suffering from emotional changes, depression.
- Those who have suffered from postpartum depression.
If these symptoms have controlled your life, and you have not been able to control your emotions, we recommend going to a specialist who can help you face these changes.
Why does premenstrual syndrome occur?
Currently, the etiology of these complaints is not known with certainty. Despite this, it has been concluded that it may be due to hormones, since during the female cycle, changes are experienced that can influence the psychological behavior of women.
There is no medical test that allows the diagnosis of this syndrome, but in the consultation with the doctor, you can explain what you feel and the regularity of these discomforts. You can even carry a notebook with the notes of these changes. In this way, the specialist will be able to tell whether it is a mild or severe syndrome.
How to combat premenstrual syndrome? Treatments
Often, these symptoms can be annoying, and therefore some medication can be used to alleviate the symptoms (always under medical indication or information from the pharmacist.) Anti-inflammatories are the most used.
Anti-inflammatory treatment
The most effective are the following:
- Naproxen
- Ibuprofen
These medications reduce pain and are anti-inflammatory at the same time.
Treatment with other medications.
The doctor may determine that more continuous drug treatment is necessary, not just for specific symptoms. These medications that you may recommend are:
- Hormonal contraceptives. This treatment can help regulate your period and decrease symptoms. Try several types of hormonal contraceptives to know which is the most flattering, since each woman is different.
- Diuretics. They can reduce breast tenderness and even lessen abdominal swelling.
- Antidepressants. Needed when the other treatments do not cause a significant improvement.
- Anxiolytics. Anxiety is one of the conditions that affect the most these days, worsening episodes of emotional lability (laughing or crying). In this regard, anxiolytics can decrease anxiety.
Treatment you can do at home to relieve PMS
If the idea of taking medication does not appeal to you, then you can change some habits to reduce these symptoms.
- Sleep 8 hours a day. Getting a good night's rest can reduce depressive episodes, which can ease the emotional swings that come with menstruation.
- Reduce stress. You can talk to your family members to reduce irritability on those days. At the same time, take it easy, practicing yoga or relaxation techniques can be beneficial.
- Healthy diet. It is better to cut down on caffeine and excess sugar. Eat healthier to improve your mood and physical symptoms.
- Get physical exercise. They can counteract tiredness and poor concentration.