The medical term for torn corners of the mouth is "angular rhinitis." These are small cracks that, despite their size, are often quite painful, especially when they come into contact with food or toothpaste. If they are not treated, they can also become infected - in the worst case, the tears can become chronic. Therefore, it is important to treat them promptly.
Causes of the cracks
⦁ Dry heated rooms in winter
⦁ Colds
⦁ Iron deficiency
⦁ Zinc deficiency
⦁ Vitamin deficiency
⦁ Bacterial infections, e.g., streptococci
⦁ Viral infections, e.g., herpes
⦁ Fungal infections, e.g., Candida yeast
⦁ diabetes
⦁ Immune diseases
⦁ Skin conditions such as eczema
⦁ Allergies
All of these things cause the skin of the lips to become dry and chapped. If it is then irritated while eating or by opening the mouth wide, it will begin to tear. Eating and moving the mouth can make the cracks worse, causing inflammation and crusting. Bacteria or fungi may also settle in the wound and prevent it from healing.
Torn corners of the mouth as a warning sign
... about your state of health
... about previous illnesses
... about known allergies
... about taking medication and, if necessary
... examine the corners of your mouth for abnormalities and changes
... one Take a smear
... do a blood count
... do an allergy test.
A precise clarification creates clarity
A common cause: iron deficiency
The treatment of torn corners of the mouth
If the corners of the mouth do not heal within a few days, it may be useful to see a doctor for medication to treat underlying causes if necessary. Classic lip balm sticks promise to alleviate the symptom, but do not really contribute to healing. Rather rely on creams from the pharmacy!
You should also try - and this isn't easy if the corner of your mouth is torn - to keep the area dry. Tongue away from the sore spot! And keep dabbing off the saliva.
Prevention of torn corners of the mouth
To prevent your lips from tearing, you should keep them soft and pliable. For this, you should also avoid moistening your lips with spit. Unfortunately, saliva can increase the risk of infection. Furthermore, if your lips are already irritated, you should avoid spicy and acidic foods. Try to eat a healthy diet rich in vitamins and prevent deficiencies by regularly checking your blood values before they become serious. When buying nourishing lipsticks, you should make sure that they do not dry out your lips even more but have a moisturizing effect.
Conclusion: no need to worry
In most cases, torn corners of the mouth are uncomfortable but harmless. With a little care of the irritated lips, they usually disappear on their own within a few days. Just make sure to keep them protected during the healing!
Many diseases cause chapped lips, but there are other symptoms as well. However, torn corners of the mouth can be the first warning sign. Take care of your body - if the corners of your mouth do not heal or if you feel uncomfortable in any other way, you should rather see a doctor. Often the cause is just a lack of vitamins or trace elements, which can be treated well.