Stress and Anxiety Cause Symptoms Similar to the Coronavirus | Know The Difference

It's hard to just take a breath in the middle of a global pandemic. Literally, many people can currently no longer distinguish whether they are really experiencing corona symptoms or simply paying too much attention to their breathing and health. I'm ill? Is that a symptom? Is that normal?

The problem? Stress and anxiety can affect our mental and psychological health. And cause symptoms similar to those of the coronavirus. How you feel is how you think And how you think is how you feel. So if you get lost in negative thought spirals, you may also feel physically lousy at some point. Conversely, positive thoughts lead to a better common good.

The more you listen to your body, the more you will notice. That stirs up fear. But how can you tell the difference between coronavirus symptoms and ailments caused by stress and anxiety?

Coronavirus or stress? The differences

corona virus vs anxiety
The main symptoms of Corona are still fever, (dry) cough, and shortness of breath. Difficulty breathing is also a sign of anxiety or a panic attack. The difference? The shortness of breath due to stress or fear comes on immediately and weakens again as soon as you calm down yourself.

But if you constantly suffer from shortness of breath and cannot even speak a straight sentence without gasping for air, you should better call a doctor. Breath tests can help if in doubt. Take a deep breath and count to 20. If you cannot hold your breath for more than ten seconds, it could be a sign that something is wrong. If you feel anxious and start hyperventilating, sit down, close your eyes, and focus on slow, deep breaths. When you calm down, and your breathing slowly returns to normal, everything should be OK.

Asthma and panic attacks

blonde girl asthma
Incidentally, panic attacks can also trigger asthma attacks. If the inhaler is used several times a day, it will make your heart beat faster, which can lead to anxiety and panic again.
Stomach problems, nausea, and loss of appetite - all signs of Covid disease - are symptoms of stress and anxiety at the same time. However, if you are really physically ill, symptoms rarely go away overnight. So if you wake up in the morning and do not suffer from shortness of breath or stomach problems, you are more likely to be mentally exhausted than sick with corona.

How to stay mentally up to date despite the pandemic
Keeping the immune system in balance

Diet, exercise, sleep, and stress management are the four pillars of the immune system. So make sure that right now you are eating healthy, doing sports, getting enough sleep, and not being stressed.

Stop checking your symptoms all the time

Regardless of whether it's a clinical thermometer or a Google search - constantly checking your supposed symptoms is unproductive. The more you pay attention to your body, the more questions arise, the more anxious you become. That stirs up a panic

Mental health is a priority

Taking a fever every hour is not necessarily healthy, but measuring your "psychological temperature" makes sense. Several times a day, ask yourself how you are doing, what you need, and how you are feeling. Remember that every feeling is absolutely human. It's normal to feel sad, scared, or grumpy. Right in the middle of a pandemic! Acknowledging and accepting the feelings is the first step towards greater wellbeing.

Distract yourself

Thanks to the lockdown, you probably have a lot more time to deal with yourself. That can be a good thing, but you shouldn't stress yourself even more. Watch a movie, find a new series, read a book, talk to friends on the phone, write a letter or find a hobby. The mantra to build on? If it feels good, you should do more of it. If this makes you feel even more stressed, then leave it.


Do you feel panicked, rough, your heartbeat is getting faster? Try to shut down your nervous system again.

Go Out!

Make sure you get at least a little sunshine and go outside. Move. And keep your distance. Even if it's only 10 minutes.

Talk to friends and family

It's easy to get tangled up in negative thoughts. Stress is contagious. So talk to your loved ones about how you can get through this time as positively and together as possible. See what each other needs, treat each other with respect, and be lenient - especially if you should live under the same roof. Together we can create this time too!

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