Man honors his wife's memory with a photoshoot with their little daughter

Death sometimes surprises people at the least opportune moments of their lives, just when they are at their best or in their greatest splendor. A year ago, Yesenia, who was pregnant, tragically lost her life when she was hit by a woman who was driving while intoxicated in Anaheim, California. However, fate allowed the baby's life to be saved, and her husband, James Álvarez, could baptize the little girl Adalyn Rose and take pictures with her.

Over the course of the past year, to face the duel and pay tribute to his wife, James held an emotional photoshoot for the Day of the Dead. He was made up as a skull, and his daughter was dressed in a huipil while in the background was an altar full of flowers dedicated to Yesenia. The photograph was published on Instagram accompanied by the verses of the song Remember me from the Disney movie Coco.

Now, a year after Yesenia's departure, Adalyn and James remember her again with another photo session where they recreate the last photographs of Yesenia, when her little girl was pregnant. In them, you can see a girl of only one year old dressed in a dress the same color as her mother on that occasion and James with an outfit identical to the one he used that time next to his wife.

James Álvarez comments that the wound is still open and that it will always be difficult not to have Yesenia by his side, but that he remembers how much he wanted to start a family with her, and that is why he cannot stop commemorating her death with these beautiful photographs.

We had been trying for two years, and finally we were lucky enough to have a beautiful princess and we were a month away from her birth… And suddenly, in a second, my life changed. My daughter is the only thing I have left […] When I see her, when I hold her, when I put her on my chest, everything vanishes. I can't predict what the future will bring, but she's healthy right now.

- James Alvarez

Although Yesenia died unjustly, she left in her moment of greatest happiness and beauty: on the verge of becoming a mother. Like a star in space about to die, Yesenia was brighter than ever at the time of her departure. In addition, her memory will always be nurtured by Adalyn and James, who will always carry her in their hearts.

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