Flying With Children: What Should They Eat During These Trips?

If you are going to face a flight with children that lasts for several hours, it will inevitably coincide with one of the daily meals. However, some of the effects that air travel has on our body make it necessary for us to consider various guidelines when choosing the right foods.

How can an airplane journey affect us physiologically?

baby on airplane crying
In addition to the subsequent jet lag on long tours and the annoying plugging of the ears caused by changes in altitude, air travel can cause dizziness and headaches. Some people are more likely to suffer from any of these symptoms and, although this is not always the case, children can be among those most susceptible cases.

The constant renewal of the air in the cabin causes excessively low humidity levels, even lower than those found in desert areas. This fact increases the probability of contracting respiratory infections and even skin irritations. And, at the very least, it will cause more dryness in the mucous membranes and skin.

The loss of water favors, on the other hand, constipation. Due to the number of hours that we sit, digestion and intestinal movements slow down, which aggravates this difficulty for the digestive system's proper functioning. This phenomenon is not limited exclusively to displacement, but it can accompany us more or less days after reaching our destination, depending on the time elapsed during it.

What foods are more suitable on a flight with children?

what should kids eat on a plane?
First of all, it is important to bear in mind that, if we bring food or drink for our children to give it on the plane, not all airlines offer the possibility of heating it. Therefore, if they are still small and require specific nutrition, it is convenient that we make use of some type of thermal container. On the other hand, to avoid plugging their ears, we can give them something light to eat before taking off and landing.

Regarding the choice of the most suitable type of food during a flight with children, the nutritionists give us a series of tips to take into account.
First, establish a red line when ingesting the following preparations:

Do not eat large meals

are large meals bad for kids on planes
Avoid foods that can contribute to the appearance of "discomfort such as heaviness, bloating, heartburn, reflux, nausea or even constipation."

Avoid fat at all costs

avoiding unhealthy foods when flying in an airplane
Do not eat foods that have fats present in fried foods, batters, high-lipid sausages, or industrial pastries, among others, as they slow down the digestive process.

Avoid flatulent foods

Legumes, cabbage, cauliflower, or broccoli should be avoided. Along with sitting for hours, they increase the production of gases, causing "a feeling of bloating and abdominal discomfort."

Do not drink carbonated drinks

drinking soda on a plane
For the same reason, in addition to promoting dehydration, children should not be given any kind of carbonated drink.

No processed desserts

It is also necessary to avoid excessively sweetened or processed desserts, capable of "producing changes in the mood such as nervousness, irritability, anxiety or even fatigue."

On the contrary, a series of healthy foods are recommended that, consumed in moderate quantities, can minimize the negative effects of air travel :
1. To help promote intestinal transit, fruit, yogurt, vegetables, seeds, and whole grains rich in fiber are very interesting options.
2. The consumption of steamed, baked, marinated, or pickled preparations is also recommended, and vegetable fats leave animal fats aside.
4. Make use of foods rich in magnesium such as sesame seeds, chia, poppy, or walnuts, as "they promote rest, reduce stress and avoid muscle tension typical of long-duration flights."
5. And, above all, it is essential to hydrate well, not only with water but also with fruits, vegetables or juices.

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